Egyptologist – University of Vienna
From 1966-69 and 1975-2009, Bietak was the director of the Austrian excavations at Tell El-Dab’a, the eastern Nile site identified as Avaris. Here he found evidence of a massive Semitic population including a unique pyramid-style tomb of a western Asiatic official. Bietak was the founder and Director of the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Cairo from 1973-2009 and has written dozens of important papers, many on the Hyksos period in Egypt.

Environmental Geographer
– Author ‘The Lost Sea of the Exodus’
A former surgeon, Fritz obtained a PhD in Environmental Geography as part of his quest to investigate the biblical exodus from Egypt. Realizing that the location of the miraculous sea crossing was not only a historical mystery, but the chief clue for the route to Mount Sinai, Fritz pursued the topic for his 2006 doctoral dissertation, entitled The Lost Sea of the Exodus. He has also published The Exodus Mysteries: of Midian, Sinai & Jabal al-Lawz (2019).

Old Testament scholar, geographer, and cartographer
– Author ‘Moody Bible Atlas’
Beitzel has been professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical University since 1983. A recognized leader in his field, he specializes in biblical geography and cartography. His award-winning mapwork appears in many of today’s most popular Bibles, encyclopedias and atlases. He also served as senior translator for the New Living Translation, the Historical Books.

Investigative Filmmaker, Author ‘Patterns of Evidence
– A Filmmaker’s Journey’
Mahoney has been searching for evidence matching the Bible for nearly 20 years. After a long career in the media industry, he established Thinking Man Films, which released its first feature documentary film Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus in 2015. This film was the winner of multiple awards in film festivals across the country. Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy was released in 2019.

Egyptologist, Curator Field Museum
Phillips is Professor of Anthropology Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has spent over five decades working as an archaeologist and anthropologist in the Nile valley and the Sinai region. Since 1995 he has worked as a curator at the world-famous Field Museum as curator of Egyptology and Anthropology.

Founder, Biblical Archaeology Review
A former lawyer, Shanks became keenly interested in archaeology after a 1972 sabbatical in Jerusalem. He went on to become the founder of the Biblical Archaeology Society and the Editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR), one of the most popular and influential magazines on the archaeology of the Holy Land. He has written and edited numerous books, magazines and articles.

Director of Research at the University of Cambridge – Author
Sir Colin Humphreys is an award-winning British physicist whose research is broad and currently focuses on the areas of gallium nitride materials, advanced electron microscopy, and high-temperature aerospace materials. In his book, The Miracles of Exodus (2008), he seeks to understand the natural forces involved in the biblical miracles of Exodus.

Producer, granddaughter of Cecil B. DeMille
DeMille Presley is a leading activist for film preservation and the keeper of her grandfather Cecil B. DeMille’s legacy. She grew up on the sets of her grandfather and participated in the extensive preparation and research done for his film projects, including Hollywood’s biggest biblical epic, the Ten Commandments.

Egyptologist, President of the International Association of Egyptologists
A British Egyptologist, Naunton is also active as a writer, broadcaster and public speaker. In the last few years he has appeared in around 20 documentary films in the UK and elsewhere, including the ‘Ancient Mysteries’ series. He sees this as a very important part of his role in bringing scholarly research to the wider public.

Rankin Professor Emeritus of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic languages
Millard is recognized as a leading scholar of ancient Semitic Languages at the University of Liverpool. His specialty is ancient inscriptions. As a proponent of biblical historicity, he has written several influential books, including Discoveries from Bible Times (1997), and over 200 scientific papers. He has also participated in numerous archaeological excavations.

Archaeologist, Associates For Biblical Research
Wood began his career as an engineer working with nuclear reactors. In 1985 he earned a Ph.D. in Syro-Palestinian archaeology from the University of Toronto, specializing in Canaanite pottery of the Late Bronze Age. Wood is a biblical archaeologist best known for directing excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir, a city which may supplant the traditional location of biblical Ai, referred to in the Book of Joshua 7-8.

Professor of Old Testament,
– Co-author ‘A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew’
DeRouchie is Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also directs doctoral dissertations. He has been an instructor of biblical Hebrew and Greek at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Besides his Hebrew Grammar DeRouchie has written How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology (2017).

Biblical Scholar, Author
Friedman comes from the Chabad Lubavitch branch of Orthodox Judaism. He is a rabbi, author, counselor and social philosopher. Friedman is a professionally ranked member of the National Speakers Association who has lectured extensively worldwide. He is also the dean and co-founder of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies. Friedman has authored Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore? (1990).

’Professor of Old Testament Interpretation
– Author ‘A Commentary on Exodus’
Garrett is the John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Besides his commentary on Exodus, he has written many books and articles including co-authoring A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (2009) with Jason DeRouchie and serving as the general editor for The Archaeology Study Bible from Zondervan Press.

– Author ‘Exodus – Myth or History?
Rohl is a British Egyptologist and former director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. He is best known for his New Chronology first laid out in his book A Test of Time (1995), which revises the chronology of Ancient Egypt allowing for new alignments with biblical events. Rohl has an Egyptology degree from University College London and was Field Director of the Eastern Desert Survey in Egypt. A popular speaker, he is the author of several books and is also a producer, composer and musician.

Biblical scholar, Torchbearers International – Austria
Wiegand is a leading German Bible teacher and scholar who has studied the Exodus and the life of Moses for most of his career. In 1963, he led efforts to renovate the site of an 11th century castle in Austria called Schloss Klaus, which has become one of the homes of Torchbearers International, a Protestant retreat and educational center.
“When God chose his person, he chose a highly intelligent man.”

American professor of animal science – Colorado State University
Grandin is a leading consultant to the livestock industry. In 2010, her own autism story and its insights on animal behavior were captured in the feature film Temple Grandin, starring Claire Danes. Grandin has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers on animal behavior, especially related to stress and handling practices. Today half the cattle in the United States are handled in facilities she has designed.

– Author ‘Israel in Egypt’
Hoffmeier is Professor of Old Testament and Ancient Near Eastern History and Archaeology at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. For decades he has been a leading voice for the authenticity of the biblical account. Since 1994 he has directed the North Sinai Archaeological Project that is investigating Egypt’s frontier during the New Kingdom and how this area may relate to the Exodus. Frequently appearing on TV programs on history and the Bible, Hoffmeier’s books include Ancient Israel in Sinai (2005).

Professor of Geology – Wheaton College
Moshier is a professor and chair of the Geology & Environmental Science Department at Wheaton College in Illinois. He is a former oil company geologist and past president of the Affiliation of Christian Geologists. His recent research has focused on the field of geoarchaeology, where his work with James Hoffmier has contributed to reconstructing the geographic settings of archaeological sites the northeast border of New Kingdom Egypt, where many place the events of the Exodus.

Egyptologist – Penn State University
– Author, Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times
A Canadian Egyptologist and archaeologist, Redford was the editor of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt, He was also given the award for “Best Scholarly Book in Archaeology” for his work Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times. Currently Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at Pennsylvania State University, Redford has directed a number of important excavations in Egypt, notably at Karnak, Mendes and the Kedwa (Qedua) fortress on Egypt’s eastern border.

Professor of New Testament
– Author ‘Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts’
Keener is the F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is especially known for his award-winning, popular-level IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament (1993) and many other commentaries that place the New Testament in its early Jewish and Greco-Roman settings. Keener has authored 25 books, more than a million of which are in circulation. He has published more than 70 academic articles and over 170 popular ones.

In order of appearance.

Investigative Filmmaker, Author ‘Patterns of Evidence
– A Filmmaker’s Journey’
Mahoney has been searching for evidence matching the Bible for nearly 20 years. After a long career in the media industry, he established Thinking Man Films, which released its first feature documentary film Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus in 2015. This film was the winner of multiple awards in film festivals across the country. Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy was released in 2019.

PhD Candidate: Biblical Studies
In 1995, Hurn traveled from her home in Australia to the Holy Land on a family vacation. There, she was introduced to the debate over the true location of Mt. Sinai and became captivated with solving the mystery of the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness. Hurn would invest over 12 years of her life to research the subject, culminating in her doctoral thesis on the Wilderness itinerary for the Exodus out of Egypt.

Researcher, Author ‘YHWH Exists’
Onstott is an author, lecturer and research specialist in the areas of comparative biblical and ancient Near Eastern studies. As an agnostic, her 16-year search for archaeological and historical evidence for the Bible revealed the answers she sought, leading her to write the 2-volume set YHWH Exists (2015). Onstott’s studies stress value-based principles that relate to politics and economics today.

Director of Research at the University of Cambridge, Author ‘The Miracles of Exodus’
Sir Colin Humphreys is an award-winning British physicist whose research is broad and currently focuses on the areas of gallium nitride materials, advanced electron microscopy, and high-temperature aerospace materials. He was knighted for his work in science by the Queen of England in 2010. In Humphreys book, The Miracles of Exodus (2008), he seeks to understand the natural forces involved in the biblical miracles of Exodus.

Biblical Scholar, Author
Friedman comes from the Chabad Lubavitch branch of Orthodox Judaism. He is a rabbi, author, counselor and social philosopher. Friedman is a professionally ranked member of the National Speakers Association who has lectured extensively worldwide. He is also the dean and co-founder of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies. Friedman has authored Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore? (1990).

University of Colorado, Boulder, Political Science
An author, lecturer and teacher, White received his PhD in Political Science at the University of Colorado, Boulder. He is a veteran of the United States Diplomat Corp, where he served for 20 years in the Middle East, Africa and Iceland. White is the author of Iraq: the Moral Reckoning (2010), an evaluation of the decision to go to war in Iraq in 2003 in terms of a classic version of just war theory, emphasizing its formulation by Thomas Aquinas.

Speaker, Radio Host, Author ‘Miracles’
Metaxas is a bestselling author including biographies of Martin Luther, Bonhoeffer and William Wilberforce. He is the host of the nationally syndicated Eric Metaxas Radio Show, and became the co-voice of the BreakPoint radio broadcast. He speaks to thousands around the U.S. and internationally each year, and has been featured as a cultural commentator on numerous television networks. Metaxas is the author of Miracles: What They Are, Why They Happen, and How They Can Change Your Life.

Professor of Old Testament, Co-Author ‘A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew’
DeRouchie is Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also directs doctoral dissertations. He was previously an instructor of biblical Hebrew and Old Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary. Besides his Hebrew Grammar, DeRouchie has written How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament: Twelve Steps from Exegesis to Theology (2017).

Egyptologist, Author ‘Exodus – Myth or History?’
Rohl is a British Egyptologist and former director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. He is best known for his New Chronology first laid out in his book A Test of Time (1995), which revises the chronology of Ancient Egypt allowing for new alignments with biblical events. Rohl has an Egyptology degree from University College London and was Field Director of the Eastern Desert Survey in Egypt. A popular speaker, he is the author of several books and is also a producer, composer and musician.

Environmental Geographer, Author ‘The Lost Sea of the Exodus’
A former surgeon, Fritz obtained a PhD in Environmental Geography as part of his quest to investigate the biblical Exodus from Egypt. Realizing that the location of the miraculous sea crossing was not only a historical mystery, but the chief clue for the route to Mount Sinai, Fritz pursued the topic for his 2006 doctoral dissertation, entitled The Lost Sea of the Exodus. He has also published The Exodus Mysteries of Midian, Sinai & Jabal al-Lawz (2019).

Pastor Emeritus, Author ‘Exodus Found’
Baltz is Pastor Emeritus of St. Matthew Lutheran Church, Galena, Illinois. He earned his D.Min. at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary in 1992. He is a faculty member of the Institute of Lutheran Theology, Brookings, South Dakota, and has served as its Interim President. Among his books is The Mystery of the Beloved Disciple (2011) dealing with the authorship of the Gospel of John. Dr. Baltz has also presented papers to two international conferences on the Shroud of Turin.

Amateur Archaeologist, Explorer
The late Ron Wyatt was a biblical explorer who first began looking for evidence of Noah’s Ark. Over the years he made numerous trips into Turkey, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Egypt and twice was captured and held prisoner. He was the first to propose Nuweiba Beach for the parting of the sea. Wyatt claimed to have found almost 100 Bible-related discoveries and has been criticized by scientists, historians, and biblical scholars for lack of confirmation for his claims.

DNA Scientist, Author ‘The Exodus Case’
Möller is a former professor of environmental medicine at the renowned Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. In his book, The Exodus Case, as well as in the documentary film The Exodus Revealed, Möller shares his theory about the route of the biblical Exodus to a mountain in modern Saudi Arabia called Jabal al-Lawz.

Marine Biologist, Founder of ‘Reef Check’
Hodgson is a coral reef ecologist, who earned a PhD in zoology from the University of Hawaii. He has designed and led integrated coastal management projects in China and Vietnam. He taught at two Hong Kong universities, and was also a visiting professor at UCLA’s Institute of the Environment. Dr. Hodgson is the Founder of Reef Check, an international non-profit organization dedicated to the conservation of coral and rocky reefs.

Business Executive, Amateur Explorer
Lembcke is a graduate of the Haas Business School at the University of California at Berkeley. He has worked in national security matters involving law enforcement. Early in his career he worked for the US Forest Service “Hot Shots,” fighting remote forest fires out of helicopters. Lembcke heard about Ron Wyatt and joined him on some of his dives at Nuweiba Beach.

Archaeologist, Author ‘Exodus Route Restored’
Rudd is an archaeologist and researcher who runs the world’s most visited website on biblical archaeology. He has worked in excavations at Shiloh and Khirbet el-Maqatir (Ai) with Associates for Biblical Research. A native Canadian, he has served as the full-time minister of the Hamilton Church of Christ for over 30 years. Rudd has written Exodus Route Restored.

Author ‘Between Migdol and the Sea’
Drews is a software engineer at the US National Center for Atmospheric Research. He creates computer generated ocean models to simulate storm surge in coastal zones. His research regarding Moses’ parting of the Red Sea was published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE in 2010. His book Between Migdol and the Sea (2014) presents the science behind the wind set down model.

Producer, Granddaughter of Cecil B. DeMille
DeMille Presley is a leading activist for film preservation and the keeper of her grandfather Cecil B. DeMille’s legacy. She grew up on sets with her grandfather and participated in the extensive preparation and research done for his film projects, including Hollywood’s biggest biblical epic, The Ten Commandments.

Hollywood Filmmaker, Producer of ‘The Ten Commandments’
Between 1914 and 1958, DeMille made a total of 70 silent and sound films. He is acknowledged as a founding father of the Hollywood motion picture industry and one of the most commercially successful producer-directors in film history. His 1956 3 1/2 hour epic The Ten Commandments has shaped how culture views the events of the Exodus.

Professor of Old Testament Interpretation, Author ‘A Commentary on Exodus’
Garrett is the John R. Sampey Professor of Old Testament at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky. Besides his commentary on Exodus, he has written many books and articles including co-authoring A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (2009) with Jason DeRouchie and serving as the general editor for The Archaeology Study Bible from Zondervan Press.

Old Testament Scholar, Geographer, and Cartographer, Author ‘The New Moody Atlas of the Bible’
Beitzel has been professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical University since 1983. A recognized leader in his field, he specializes in biblical geography and cartography. His award-winning mapwork appears in many of today’s most popular Bibles, encyclopedias and atlases. He also served as senior translator for the New Living Translation, the Historical Books.

Egyptologist – Penn State University
A Canadian Egyptologist and archaeologist, Redford was the editor of The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt. He was also given the award for “Best Scholarly Book in Archaeology” for his work Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times. Currently the Professor of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies at Pennsylvania State University, Redford has directed a number of important excavations in Egypt, notably at Karnak, Mendes and the Kedwa (Qedua) fortress on Egypt’s eastern border.

Marine Biologist – Creation Ministries Int.
Carter obtained his PhD in Marine Biology at the University of Miami. There, he studied the genetics of pigmentation in corals and other invertebrates, and licensed a spin-off product of his research (a patented fluorescent protein) to a biotech company. He is currently a senior scientist and speaker for Creation Ministries International-USA in Atlanta, Georgia, where one focus of his research is human genetics.

Founder – Biblical Archaeology Review
A former lawyer, Shanks became keenly interested in archaeology after a 1972 sabbatical in Jerusalem. He went on to become the founder of the Biblical Archaeology Society and the Editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR), one of the most popular and influential magazines on the archaeology of the Holy Land. He has written and edited numerous books, magazines and articles.

Professor of New Testament, Author ‘Miracles: The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts’
Keener is the F. M. and Ada Thompson Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary. He is especially known for his award-winning, popular-level IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament (1993) and many other commentaries that place the New Testament in its early Jewish and Greco-Roman settings. Keener has authored 25 books, more than a million of which are in circulation. He has published more than 70 academic articles and over 170 popular ones.

Philosopher of Science, Author ‘The Return of the God Hypothesis’
Meyer received his PhD in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. Meyer is best known as a proponent of Intelligent Design, appearing on many national radio and TV shows. He has also authored the New York Times bestsellers Signature in the Cell and Darwin’s Doubt.

Diver, Explorer
Sen had dived at Nuweiba Beach area for many years. He knew Ron Wyatt and also helped Lennart Möller conduct diving trips. For years Aaron Sen has tried to locate the wheel that Eric Lembcke and Rory Kaye had reported seeing.

Diver, Explorer
Elmer has dived at Nuweiba Beach and is a part of a group of Exodus explorers who have searched for the remains of Pharaoh’s army on the seafloor.

Osteo-Archaeologist – University of Stockholm
The late Ebba During was an author and Professor of Osteo-archarchaeology (the study of bones at archaeological sites) at the University of Stockholm and of Osteology at the University of Gotland. She is best known for her in depth study of the bones of crewmen who died in 1628 when the warship Vasa sank in Stockholm harbor on its maiden voyage.

Diver, Explorer
Kaye was involved in some of the early diving at Nuweiba with Lennart Möller. Kaye lives in Sweden and is the Founder and CEO of International Arts & Media. He is also the Senior Pastor of International Destiny Center in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Forensics Science Educator, Author with Answers in Genesis
Hall Rivera is a former Fingerprint Examiner for the Hollywood Police Department’s Crime Scene Unit. After more than a decade as a forensic science educator, speaker and author, she now serves as Education Content Administrator for Answers in Genesis. Dr. Hall Rivera has written the book The Work of Your Hand: Fingerprints, God, and You! (2019).

Drowning Victim
Smith is studying to become a pastor at North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He spends weekends traveling to high schools, youth groups, and conventions, sharing the miraculous testimony of his life story.