(in order of appearance)

Investigative Filmmaker, Author ‘Patterns of Evidence – A Filmmaker’s Journey’
Mahoney has been searching for evidence matching the Bible for nearly 20 years. After a long career in the media industry, he established Thinking Man Films, which released its first feature documentary film Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus in 2015. This film was the winner of multiple awards in film festivals across the country. Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy was released in 2019.

Founder – Biblical Archaeology Review
A former lawyer, Shanks became keenly interested in archaeology after a 1972 sabbatical in Jerusalem. He went on to become the founder of the Biblical Archaeology Society and the Editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review (BAR), one of the most popular and influential magazines on the archaeology of the Holy Land. Shanks has written and edited numerous books, magazines, and articles.

Exodus Explorer, Filmmaker, Teacher, Author ‘Mount Sinai in Arabia’
Richardson is a New York Times bestselling author, filmmaker, and teacher. He is a human rights activist, and an expert on biblical prophecy, Islam, and the Middle East. Richardson travels globally teaching on the gospel, living with biblical hope, the return of Jesus, and preparing the Church to face the great challenges of our time. He hosts the popular YouTube program “The Underground with Joel Richardson.”

Professor of Old Testament, Author ‘How to Understand and Apply the Old Testament’
DeRouchie is Research Professor of Old Testament and Biblical Theology at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he also directs doctoral dissertations. He was previously an instructor of biblical Hebrew and Old Testament at Bethlehem College and Seminary. He is also content developer and global trainer with Hands to the Plow Ministries, which seeks to train the next generation of church leaders in faithful Bible interpretation. DeRouchie has co-authored A Modern Grammar for Biblical Hebrew (2009).

Environmental Geographer, Author ‘The Exodus Mysteries of Midian, Sinai & Jabal al-Lawz’
A former surgeon, Fritz obtained a PhD in Environmental Geography as part of his quest to investigate the biblical exodus from Egypt. Realizing that the location of the miraculous sea crossing was not only a historical mystery, but the chief clue for the route to Mount Sinai, he pursued the topic for his 2006 doctoral dissertation entitled The Lost Sea of the Exodus. Fritz continued tracing the Exodus route from the sea crossing to Jabal al Lawzi in Arabia with his 2019 book The Exodus Mysteries.

Egyptologist, Curator – Field Museum
Phillips is Professor of Anthropology Emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He spent over five decades working as an archaeologist and anthropologist in the Nile valley and the Sinai region, being involved in over 20 excavation sites. He has published numerous academic articles and book chapters. Since 1995 Phillips has worked as a curator at the world-famous Field Museum as curator of Egyptology and Anthropology.

DNA Scientist, Author ‘The Exodus Case’
Möller is a former professor of environmental medicine at the renowned Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. He dove many times at Nuweiba Beach on the Gulf of Aqaba and also visited Jabal al-Lawz. In his book The Exodus Case as well as in the documentary film The Exodus Revealed, Moller shares his theory about the route of the biblical Exodus to the mountain site in modern Saudi Arabia.

Archaeologist, Anthropologist, Author ‘The Mountain of God’
An Italian-born expert in ancient rock art, Anati studied his field in Rome, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and at Harvard. He has archaeological excavation and research experience in several countries, but specializes in Israel’s Negev region. He has authored more than 70 volumes and monographs for leading publishers in Europe and America. Anati originated the proposal that Mount Sinai should be identified with Har Karkom in the Negev.

PhD, Biblical Geography
In 1995, Hurn traveled from her home in Australia to the Holy Land on a family vacation. There, she was introduced to the debate over the true location of Mt. Sinai and became captivated with solving the mystery of the Israelites’ journey in the wilderness. She would invest over 12 years of her life to research the subject, culminating in her doctoral thesis on a hydrological model to identify the biblical regions. Hurn has become a leading proponent for Mount Sinai being Har Karkom in Israel’s Negev desert.

Archaeologist, Senior Researcher – Israel Antiquities Authority
Before becoming a senior researcher, Dr. Erickson-Gini was the Israel Antiquities Authority’s Southern Negev sub-district archaeologist for over 20 years, where she conducted numerous excavations and surveys from Ashkelon to Petra in Jordan. One of her specialties is the archaeology of roads in southern Israel from the Early Bronze age to the present. The author of numerous academic papers, Erickson-Gini is also an adjunct lecturer at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Biblical Scholar, Author
Friedman comes from the Chabad Lubavitch branch of Orthodox Judaism. He is a rabbi, author, counselor, and social philosopher. Friedman is a professionally ranked member of the National Speakers Association who has lectured extensively worldwide. He is also the dean and co-founder of the Bais Chana Institute of Jewish Studies. Friedman has authored Doesn’t Anyone Blush Anymore? (1990).

Exodus Explorer, Author, International Security Analyst
Mauro was the Director of the Clarion Intelligence Network, tracking extremist activity throughout the world and reporting information to law enforcement and policymakers. He has made over 2,000 media appearances and has been published and quoted in outlets such as The New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, and The Hill. Mauro is also the President of the Doubting Thomas Research Foundation, which researches historical evidence for the Exodus and other Biblical events.

Archaeologist, Professor – Missouri State University
Zarins is a retired Professor of Near Eastern Archaeology at Missouri State University. He was a former archaeological adviser to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia where he led a team of archaeologists on a decade-long survey of the kingdom. Zarins has published numerous research articles on the archaeology of the Near East, with special interest in ancient pastoral nomads. He was chief archaeologist for the Transarabia Expedition which made the famous 1992 discovery of the lost city of Ubar in southern Oman, on the Arabian Peninsula.

Adjunct Professor of Biblical Archaeology – Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz
Van der Veen is an Old Testament scholar and biblical archaeologist. He has published numerous articles on the archaeology and epigraphy of the ancient Hebrews. Van de Veen is best known for his work on the Berlin Statue Pedestal Relief (containing the earliest-known mention of Israel) and the recent Mt. Ebal curse tablet (with the oldest-known reference to Israel’s God, Yahweh). He has co-authored the book In Search of the Biblical Patriarchs (2022).

Old Testament Scholar, Geographer, Cartographer, Author ‘The New Moody Atlas of the Bible’
Beitzel has been professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Trinity Evangelical University since 1983. A recognized leader in his field, he specializes in biblical geography and cartography. His award-winning mapwork appears in many of today’s most popular Bibles, encyclopedias and atlases. He also served as senior translator for the New Living Translation, The Historical Books.

Egyptologist, Author ‘Exodus – Myth or History?’
Rohl is a British Egyptologist and former director of the Institute for the Study of Interdisciplinary Sciences. He is best known for his New Chronology first laid out in his book A Test of Time (1995), which revises the chronology of Ancient Egypt allowing for new alignments with biblical events. He has an Egyptology degree from University College London and was Field Director of the Eastern Desert Survey in Egypt. A popular speaker, Rohl is the author of many books and is also a producer, composer and musician.

Director of Research at the University of Cambridge – Author ‘The Miracles of Exodus’
Sir Colin Humphreys is an award-winning British physicist whose research is broad and currently focuses on the areas of gallium nitride materials, advanced electron microscopy, and high-temperature aerospace materials. In his book The Miracles of Exodus (2008), Humphreys charts an Exodus route across the Gulf of Aqaba to the volcanic Hal’l Bedr on the Arabian Peninsula, while seeking to explain the role of natural forces in the miracles of Exodus.

Archaeologist, Author ‘Exodus Route Restored’
Rudd is an archaeologist and researcher who runs the world’s most visited website on biblical archaeology. He has worked in excavations at Shiloh and Khirbet el-Maqatir (biblical Ai) with Associates for Biblical Research. A native Canadian, he has served as the full-time minister of the Hamilton Church of Christ for over 30 years. Rudd has written Exodus Route Restored.

Exodus Explorer, Biblical Researcher
Kieswetter is a media specialist, graphic artist, and musician. He has dedicated his life to the search of biblical evidence and has traveled to multiple locations related to proposed Exodus routes. In 2022, Kieswetter visited the popular alternate candidate for Mount Sinai – Jabal al Lawz in Saudi Arabia.

Author, Researcher
Wyatt-Lee is the widow of Ron Wyatt who died in 1999 and was the modern populariser of Nuweiba Beach for the Exodus sea crossing site and Jabal al Lawz / Jabal Maqla for Mount Sinai. She was involved in Wyatt’s projects and wrote articles for his newsletter. Wyatt-Lee has authored the book Battle for the Firstborn and produced several documentaries recounting Ron’s work.

Exodus Explorer, Biblical investigator, Co-Author ‘In Search of the Mountain of God’
Cornuke is a biblical investigator and author of eleven books about his explorations. A former FBI trained police investigator and Los Angeles SWAT team member, he is now the president of the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration (BASE) Institute. Cornuke’s more than 70 expeditions in the lands of the Bible have led to appearances in television specials on NBC, Fox, ABC, History Channel, CNN, and National Geographic.

Exodus Explorer, Oil Industry Engineer
Jim and Penny Caldwell lived with their children Lucas and Chelsea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for 12 years where Jim was employed in the oil and gas industry. Throughout the 1990s the family took backpacking trips into the Arabian wilderness, visiting Jabal al Lawz 14 times. Often entering restricted areas, they did extensive exploration of the area, which led to arrest at gunpoint. For their safety they had to remain anonymous while their photographs began filtering out into books, videos, and the Internet. Their work was the primary documentation of the site before 2017.

Exodus Explorer, Author ‘God of the Mountain’
The Caldwell’s discoveries include the Split Rock, sandal print rock carvings, and the graveyard at the mountain site. After returning to the USA they formed the Split Rock Research Foundation to continue investigating the idea of Sinai in Arabia. Penny has documented their expeditions and adventures in God of the Mountain.

Archaeologist, Associates For Biblical Research
Wood began his career as an engineer working with then worked nuclear reactors. In 1985 he earned a Ph.D. in Syro-Palestinian archaeology from the University of Toronto, specializing in Canaanite pottery of the Late Bronze Age. Wood is a biblical archaeologist best known for directing excavations at Khirbet el-Maqatir, a city which may supplant the traditional location of biblical Ai, referred to in the Book of Joshua 7-8.

Exodus Explorer, Author ‘The Burning Bush’
Dr. Kim practiced as a chiropractor and acupuncture specialist in South Korea before moving to Saudi Arabia in 1987. He became the personal physician of the Governor of Mecca and was granted wide-ranging permission to explore the country because of this friendship. Between 2001 and 2006 Dr. Kim visited the Jabal al Lawz area 12 times, publishing his experiences in the best-selling Korean book Tulgi Namu (The Burning Bush).

Pastor, President – Koinonia Institute
Matsen has an engineering background and over 40 years experience as a pastor and teacher of the Bible verse by verse. He has hosted a live two-hour TV program broadcast across Europe and taught extensively on the subjects of evangelism, leadership, and end-times topics. Matsen is currently the President of Koinonia Institute, an organization formerly headed by Chuck Missler that is dedicated to training Christians for ministry in today’s world.

American Professor of Animal Science – Colorado State University
Grandin is a leading consultant to the livestock industry. In 2010, her own autism story and its insights on animal behavior were captured in the feature film Temple Grandin, starring Claire Danes. Grandin has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers on animal behavior, especially related to stress and handling practices. Today half the cattle in the United States are handled in facilities she has designed.