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What does Israel’s history have to do with events today?

Patterns Of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies
The conflict in Israel today is often linked to the belief that the Bible serves as the Israelis’ claim to the land, based on God’s covenant with Abraham, Moses, and the Israelites. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney investigates this by exploring ancient prophecies made by Moses, which predicted Israel’s rise as a kingdom, its fall due to breaking the covenant, the scattering of its people, their persecution, and eventual return to the land. Using archaeological evidence and expert insights, Mahoney delves into these events, raising deeper questions about Israel’s suffering, their chosen status, and its relevance today. “The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies” is part one of a two-part film series exploring these themes.

Patterns Of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma II – Promised Return
In the conclusion of a 2-part series, Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney finds that as amazing as evidence is for the first sequence of Israel’s history, there are clear signs that it was only a partial fulfillment of Moses’ prophecies. A second cycle of the sequence actually took place in a more powerful way, leading to events in our own day. Mahoney is soon confronted with two realities – a pattern of undeniable evidence that Jewish history is truly unique, and that many are seeking to deny and oppose it. Does this prove God’s covenant with Israel? “The Israel Dilemma II – Promised Return” is currently being worked on. We are taking donations for help in finishing the film!
Battle For The Holy Land
Much of the horrific conflict seen in the land of Israel today centers on the Israelis’ belief that the Bible is their deed to the land. This is based on the covenant God made with his chosen people that goes back to Abraham, and centuries later, Moses receiving the law at Mount Sinai.
Read MoreAncient Prophecies Cast
(in order of appearance)

Timothy P Mahoney
Investigative Filmmaker, Author

Benjamin Netanyahu
Prime Minister of Israel

Shimon Peres
Former President of Israel

Peter Gentry
Professor of Old Testament Interpretation
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

James K Hoffmeier
Egyptologist, Author, Old Testament Scholar

Rabbi Manis Friedman
Biblical Scholar, Author

Brent Kinman
Pastor, Author ‘History, Design and the End of Time’

Randall Price
Archaeologist, Former Director of Qumran Excavations

Joel Richardson
Filmmaker, Bible Teacher, Author

Israel Finkelstein
Archaeologist – Tel Aviv University

Peter Van Der Veen
Senior Lecturer of Levantine Archaeology,
Johannes Gutenberg-University
Ph.D. Epigrapher

Scott Stripling
Director of ABR Excavations at Shiloh, Israel

Gabriel Barkay
Director of the Temple Mount Sifting Project
Bar-Ilan University

Pat Boone
Actor, Singer/Composer

Jodell Onstott
Researcher, Author ‘YHWH Exists’

Rabbi David Hartman
Shalom Hartman Institute, Author

Michael Medved
Radio Talk Show Host, Author

Roger Liebi
Theologian, Author, Bible Teacher
Ancient Prophecies Cameo Appearances
(in order of appearance)

Lennart Möller
Swedish DNA scientist, Author, Biblical explorer

Jodi Magness
Distinguished Professor of Early Judaism – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Natan Sharansky
Former Soviet Dissident, Human Rights Activist, Author

Karl Skorecki
Dean of Medicine – Bar-Ilan University