What is the Patterns Of Evidence Film Series?
Patterns of Evidence is a documentary film series that travels through the Bible, investigating evidence of its historical credibility, the accuracy of its transmission through the centuries, and how it impacts the modern world.
Timothy Mahoney is an award-winning investigative filmmaker, raised as a Christian, who now has the same question that many today are asking: Did the stories recorded in the Bible really happen?
In this film series, he sets off to seek answers by traveling to the locations where biblical events are said to have happened. Along the way, he interviews leading archaeologists and scholars from all over the world who argue all sides of the debate about the credibility of the Bible. The biblical stories are retold, accompanied by dramatic reenactments and special effects.
Patterns of Evidence lets the viewer draw their own conclusions as it takes them on a journey to the ancient world of the Bible. This refreshingly balanced approach is inspiring and intellectually challenging for both skeptics and believers alike, providing profound new evidence that affirms the Bible.
Thinking Man Films is the production company for the Patterns of Evidence film series and television programs. Thinking Man Media is the book publishing, curriculum development, and distribution company for Patterns of Evidence media.
Films in the Patterns of Evidence Series
The Exodus
Is the history found in the Bible credible? Is there any physical evidence to support the biblical story of the Exodus? An in-depth investigation by filmmaker Timothy Mahoney searches for answers to these questions amid startling new finds that match the Bible’s account of the Exodus from Egypt.
The Moses Controversy
The film uncovers a new pattern of evidence that some believe link the Israelites to the world’s first alphabet. Was this a divine gift necessary for the Israelites to read the words given to Moses at Mt Sinai?
The Red Sea Miracle
In this investigation Timothy Mahoney examines the journey to the crossing location, looking at two competing views of the Red Sea Miracle. The investigation raises giant questions about the real location for the crossing site and its implications on your view of God. The answers to these questions point to one of two very different realities.
The Red Sea Miracle II
How could thousands of feet of water be parted at the Red Sea? Or was the sea merely parted by the act of wind in nature, through a shallow Egyptian lake? Mahoney investigates these locations to see if any have a pattern of evidence matching the Bible. This cinematic journey leads him to inquire… “Do miracles still happen today?”
The Journey Home
A film like no other we have done before! Many believe the Bible is a record of God’s miraculous intervention into people’s lives but does God still intervene today? The answer is YES! This compelling true story follows Tim’s journey from brokenness to freedom connecting the dots with the Israelites journey home in the Exodus. You will be inspired!
Journey to Mount Sinai
Join investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney in the first of a two-film interactive investigation where the audience gets to follow the Israelite’s journey from the parting of the sea to Mount Sinai. In this unprecedented event you will get to evaluate the Biblical evidence alongside Tim during the film using a downloadable scorecard for each mountain. Where does the evidence lead for the true location of Mount Sinai.
Journey to Mount Sinai II
Have Exodus Explorers found the evidence? Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney completes his 20-year search for the true location of Mount Sinai where God gave the ten commandments. In this epic conclusion of a two-part series, Mahoney uses the Mount Sinai Scorecard to investigate the final three of the six most popular locations proposed for Mount Sinai. See an amazing pattern of evidence and decide for yourself the mountain where Moses and the Israelites worship God.
The Israel Dilemma
The conflict in Israel today is often linked to the belief that the Bible serves as the Israelis’ claim to the land, based on God’s covenant with Abraham, Moses, and the Israelites. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney investigates this by exploring ancient prophecies made by Moses, which predicted Israel’s rise as a kingdom, its fall due to breaking the covenant, the scattering of its people, their persecution, and eventual return to the land. Using archaeological evidence and expert insights, Mahoney delves into these events, raising deeper questions about Israel’s suffering, their chosen status, and its relevance today.