Summary: The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire Investigative filmmaker Christophe Hanueur and global scholars examine the mysterious letters to the 7 Churches of Revelation, the roots of persecution in the 1st Century Church, and the connections to our modern-day lives. Nationwide Cinema Release Fathom Event October 11 and 12.
I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet saying, “Write what you see in a book and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea.” – Revelation 1:10-11 (ESV)
The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire
This week we would like to give you the Thinkers Advantage. You are receiving the first announcement about an important film project that Thinking Man Films, Patterns of Evidence, and the Historical Faith Society are getting behind. The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire is produced by Christophe Hanauer, a French Christian filmmaker and the founder of Millenium Productions.
When I first learned about the 7 Churches project, I joked and said, “Can anything Christian come out of France?” And then I saw the first episodes of the series and was surprised by not only the cinematic quality but, more importantly, the timeliness of the message as many are wondering today, are we living in the end times?

For centuries, there has been a profound mystery surrounding the meaning of the Book of Revelation. I am honored to share Christophe’s film with an English-speaking audience, so the world can experience these scriptures from a historical, educational perspective, breaking down the messages given by Christ to each of the churches referenced and seeing how it applies to our lives today. When we live with much uncertainty, this film asks one of the greatest questions of all, “Are you ready?”
… this film asks one of the greatest questions of all,
“Are you ready?”
The feature-length documentary follows Christophe and acclaimed global scholars as they examine the mysterious letters written to seven churches, the roots of persecution in the 1st-century church, and how these messages connect to our everyday lives.
In the first century A.D., Asia Minor experienced a strong ideological revolution. Christianity was becoming one of the greatest world religions, and was challenging ancient pagan worship and the order established by almighty imperial Rome. Christianity was on the move and spreading like wildfire across the whole Roman Empire.

During this turbulent time, Saint John wrote his book of Revelation – one of the most complex and mysterious books of the Bible. The text addresses seven churches located in what is now Turkey, each of whom received a personal letter from the risen Christ.
Passionately interested in the history of Christianity, filmmaker Christophe investigated the secrets behind the book of Revelation. Who were these churches, and what did they represent? Is there a message relevant for Christians living in the 21st century? Could the prophecies of Revelation still concern us today?

Christophe travels to the island of Patmos, where the apostle John experienced his vision from Christ and wrote the book of Revelation. With the help of experts, Christophe begins to unravel the mystery revealing evidence of the 1st-century church and the letters given to them. He examines the first three churches that Saint John addresses: Ephesus, Smyrna, and Pergamon.
The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire is the beginning of a new chapter for Thinking Man Films as we are partnering with other investigative filmmakers who are creating amazing films about the Bible, archaeology, and faith. The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire – is the first of three feature documentaries derived from the nine-episode series produced by Millenium Productions.
This new International alliance with Millenium Productions has also led to another partnership with industry leader Revelation Media, known for The Pilgrim’s Progress animated feature film, in addition to producing the world’s first interactive Bible, called the iBible. They will collaborate with us to promote and market this film to the global audience.

Steve Cleary, the founder of Revelation Media, explains the title further; “Throughout the centuries, the Church has gone through times of fire, where their faith was tested in one way or another. Sadly, little has changed when we consider how Christians are being persecuted around the world without mercy. We hope Times of Fire begins a conversation. What part do we play in history as the Bride of Christ? How do these letters apply to us now? And most importantly, are our hearts prepared for when our faith will be tested?”
You can see this important and timely film, The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire on October 11 and 12, 2021 as a nationwide theatrical release Fathom Event. Join me for this film showing and immediately following the film I will host a Special Panel Discussion from the Museum of the Bible to discuss these letters given by Christ and what they mean for us today.
TOP PHOTO: French Filmmaker Christophe Hanueur on location in Turkey. (Credit: Millenium Productions)