Summary: A new film series that runs parallel to the Patterns of Evidence films is being produced. The American Miracle: Our Nation Is No Accident is due in theaters this June.
And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us, – Acts 17:26-27 (ESV)
Is there evidence of God acting in America’s history?
Over the past decade, the Patterns of Evidence team has created films demonstrating God’s activity throughout Israel’s ancient history, from Abraham to Moses to Exodus to King Hezekiah. But today, I want to share an exciting announcement about our next film series, The American Miracle, which features a new pattern of evidence telling the forgotten story of God’s involvement in America’s providential history.
What is unique about Israel and America is that both nations recognize and have recorded unusual instances of God intervening in their nations’ activities. In the case of America’s history, those stories have not often been told, have been edited out, and many have now been forgotten. Another observation is that “civics studies” have been eliminated from many classrooms for 50 years.
When a people does not know the history of their nation,they can quickly lose the freedoms that millions have fought and died for. – Opening statement in the film, The American Miracle: Our Nation Is No Accident
It became clear that God not only worked in Biblical times, but He has been acting throughout history and uniquely in the founding of the United States. This is something many of the people who lived through those events firmly believed and recorded in eyewitness accounts.

The American Miracle: Our Nation Is No Accident is a docu-drama that will be released nationally in over 1000 theaters on June 9, 10, and 11 as a Fathom Entertainment and Heroic Pictures release. You can follow weekly updates at

This movie is inspired by Michael Medved’s New York Times best-selling book, The American Miracle – Divine Providence in the Rise of the Republic, which tells the forgotten story of God’s providential hand in our country’s founding. In 2026, our nation will celebrate its 250th birthday, and there will be a lot of media attention on this anniversary. So, all people would benefit from understanding this forgotten story of God’s providential hand during America’s birth and rise among the world’s nations.
The American Miracle: Our Nation is No Accident is a Patterns of Evidence Foundation production. Heroic Pictures is a sister organization to Thinking Man Films and produced The American Miracle as its very first production. Heroic Pictures focuses on creating dramatic stories of people who have lived heroic and courageous lives through their faith in God. It retells God’s activity in their lives and testifies to God’s provision, faithfulness, and lessons learned. At a time when most stories have antiheroes without virtue, Heroic Pictures’ goal is to inspire others to live heroic and virtuous lives.

“The American Miracle is SPECTACULAR!”
– Dr. Stephen Meyer, Director of The Discovery Institute

SAVE THE DATE for our Theatrical National Release this June 9, 10, and 11 to explore our history’s forgotten Providential Hand of God. Additionally, discover a new way of appreciating the liberties won as we approach our 250th Anniversary.
Look for further details and updates on the June release of The American Miracle in the weeks ahead. Until then, Keep Thinking!