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New Film – The Israel Dilemma – Tickets Now on Sale

“Give attention to me, my people, and give ear to me, my nation; for a law will go out from me, and I will set my justice for a light to the peoples.” – Isaiah 51:4 (ESV)

What Ancient Prophecies of Israel are impacting the world today? 

The conflict in Israel today is often linked to the belief that the Bible serves as the Israelis’ claim to the land, based on God’s covenant with Abraham, Moses, and the Israelites. Filmmaker Timothy Mahoney investigates this by exploring ancient prophecies made by Moses and the prophets, which predicted Israel’s rise as a kingdom, its fall due to breaking the covenant, the scattering of its people, their persecution, and eventual return to the land. 

Thanks to the donations of many of our Thinkers, this film is almost ready for your viewing! Using archaeological evidence and expert insights, Mahoney delves into these events, raising deeper questions about Israel’s suffering, their chosen status, and its relevance today. “Patterns of Evidence: The Israel Dilemma – Ancient Prophecies” is part one of a two-part film series exploring these themes. This new film will be released as a nationwide cinema event on Wednesday, November 13, Thursday, November 14 & Sunday, November 17. 


Theaters are being added daily to show this new and very relevant film. Get your tickets here. If your theater isn’t on the list when you go purchase tickets be sure to check back. Additionally, the more people requesting a theater for a group showing of this film, the more likely this film will get populated to more theaters. Let’s overwhelm the group ticket requests by filling out the form now for your group.

This is a film that any church group, synagogue, or Bible study would love! You can purchase group tickets (for 25 or more people) at a Discount.

Keep thinking!

TOP PHOTO: Scene from Patterns of Evidence:  The Israel Dilemma. The prophet Isaiah gave many warnings to the people of Israel to return to their God. (credit: © 2024, Patterns of Evidence Foundation)
