Summary: See the new trailer and big announcements regarding the upcoming release of Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai II on May 15th and 17th.
He [God] said, “But I will be with you, and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God on this mountain.” – Exodus 3:12 (ESV)
Big Announcement #1 – New Trailer for Journey to Mount Sinai II
Hello Patterns of Evidence friends, we have three big announcements to make and want to share with you why your support is more important now than ever before. The first announcement is that you can now see the new trailer for Patterns of Evidence Journey to Mount Sinai II.
Watch the TRAILER by clicing below:
This film follows in the heritage of our previous Patterns of Evidence films and many think this might be the best one yet! We are bringing over 20 years of research, filming, and interviews together in one of the most thorough and exciting investigations we have conducted. This will be a biblically inspiring event; with a scope no one has ever seen before.

Exodus Explorers will be sharing their own personal adventures and discoveries. Hear their testimonies of what drove them to risk their lives to bring the world this information. Have they found the real location of Mount Sinai? You can also join in the investigation when you download your own Mount Sinai Scorecard and follow along with me, Tim Mahoney, as we determine which of these mountains best follows the pattern of evidence laid out in the Bible.
Big Announcement #2 – Tickets Now on Sale
The second announcement is that you can now purchase your movie tickets for the new Patterns of Evidence film, Journey to Mount Sinai II. This inspiring film concludes the six-mountain investigation that I began over 20 years ago when I first went to film evidence at one of the proposed locations for Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia.
If you want to see more Bible-affirming films like Journey to Mount Sinai II, this is a critical request.
- We have to have our Followers PURCHASE TICKETS IMMEDIATELY
We absolutely need you to purchase your theater tickets right now and here is why. There are a lot of Hollywood movies wanting to take the screens away from Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai II. So far, we have secured over 650 theaters but this will change quickly if our Patterns of Evidence followers don’t buy their tickets early. If early response is not great enough, the movie will be pulled from the theater in your area and a Hollywood film will take its place. And your family, friends and community will miss out on this important Bible-affirming experience. This is one of our best Patterns of Evidence films yet and you won’t want to miss seeing it in the theater.
But if you buy your tickets early, we can actually increase the theaters and the number of screens at each theater. This means that we need everyone to help us now by purchasing tickets early.
The theater experience will be a much better way to experience the amazing Journey to Mount Sinai II film. Following the film, we are also having a special music event where I (Tim Mahoney) will be joined by the Praise Choir as we will celebrate the moment when the Israelites meet God at Mount Sinai in a time of worshipful singing.
This film will be one of the most inspiring films you will see this year. We have heard from many people that Journey to Mount Sinai II is a major blessing and inspiration.
“I love the movie cuz, I’ve loved all of ’em. I always learn way more about Scripture that I didn’t know before.” Parent
“It kinda makes my head spin. I think there’s so much in this movie for everyone, regardless of what your background is or faith background, it’s just very compelling.” Parent
WHEN YOU BUY YOUR TICKETS, YOU ARE VOTING for the BIBLE FILM – Not the HOLLYWOOD Film which is right now trying to take away our screen at your local Theater!
Big Announcement #3 – We are almost fully funded!
We are now only $100,000 away from our goal to fully fund the making of Journey to Mount Sinai II. Thank you to all who have contributed, it is greatly appreciated. We have raised over $500,000 with the help from many of our Patterns of Evidence family and a matching grant from one of our long-time supporting families. We have only a few weeks left to work on the film, and we don’t want to go into debt to make it happen. So, if you haven’t helped before or haven’t given in a long time, will you prayerfully consider supporting the finishing of this film?
We are changing Lives by giving Young People a hope that their Faith is Grounded on Historical Reality.

“It helped me to realize that if all these people can come to the consensus that this was a real event, it helps me to feel like my faith is true and that if I’m believing in God, it’s the right belief and that it’s just like a support to my faith.” Milo – High Schooler
Again, the mission of the Patterns of Evidence Foundation is to Preserve, Educate and Pass on the Historical credibility of the Bible to the Next Generation. What we know is that films and media are the currency of the younger generation. That is why we are dedicated to the production of Bible- affirming films and in future dramatic films demonstrating that God is acting in the events of history and the lives of people.
Here is how you can give to Patterns of Evidence Foundation:
- Donate electronically using this form.
- 2. Send a check made out to Patterns of Evidence Foundation and mail it to Patterns of Evidence Foundation, 9953 Valley View Rd, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
- Grant to us from your National Christian Foundation (NFC) Giving Fund Fed EIN # 85-1693750
- Donating Appreciated Securities
Donating appreciated securities such as stock is a great way to give to the Patterns of Evidence Foundation. Directly donating stocks (long-term holdings that have been appreciated for more than one year) allows a person to give up to 20% more than cash. The reason is simple: you avoid capital gains tax. This would also allow you to realize the total market value of the asset you donated from your income taxes. Studies have shown that most donors have appreciated assets such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. However, most of the time, they do not contribute these types of assets to a charitable organization. So, consider donating some of your appreciated holdings the next time you give. As always, please speak with your CPA and financial institution to better understand your position and which securities would be best to give. To talk directly with Patterns of Evidence Foundation board member Jeff Green call 713-304-6199 or email
Thank you in advance for your support in preserving the historical credibility of the Bible and passing it on to the next generation. We look forward to seeing you in the theaters on May 15th and 17th. Until then, keep thinking!