Summary: Patterns of Evidence is breaking out into the podcasting world. Learn how you can find us on your favorite podcast platform to listen to and share Bible-affirming content on the go!
A voice cries: “In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD; make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up, and every mountain and hill be made low; the uneven ground shall become level, and the rough places a plain. And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the LORD has spoken.” – (Isaiah 40:3) ESV
A Voice Crying in the Wilderness
Those of you who have been following Patterns of Evidence for a while now may have heard Tim Mahoney describe video as the currency of our culture. There is a very real trend of fewer and fewer people reading books, and while this certainly may not be true of everyone, in our time, by and large, people are turning to films, videos, and streaming platforms as sources for entertainment and education. This is especially true of the younger generation.
This is why we have made it our effort and mission to stand out in these forms of media, asking the question: “Is there evidence that supports the historical credibility of the Bible?” All too often the views of the culture, many of which are overtly anti-biblical in stance and sentiment, inundate the world of media. This, in turn, has given a large platform to voices that cause confusion and question the validity of the Bible without sharing opposing viewpoints. The influence this has is powerful, especially on the younger generation. Yet there is strong evidence that affirms the events and people of the Bible, which we have been working hard to demonstrate with our Patterns of Evidence films and video content. This begs the question, “Is there a God of the Bible who acts in history?”
For those who desire to spread this information as widely as possible, it is crucial that we all work together. The next generation is growing up in a world where the views of critical scholars take center stage. They are surrounded by ideologies that are very counter to statements the Bible makes about mankind’s past and the message it has for the future. These critical views are being presented as fact, however not all of the available information is being shared.
With this in mind, there is another very prominent form of media we are now engaging with, pointing to the patterns of evidence in archaeology and history supporting the biblical text. We would like to announce the Patterns of Evidence podcast and give you some important details! Join us in being a voice crying in the wilderness of the culture, making the paths straight by sharing this information in a format many across generational lines are using on a daily basis.

Accessing the Podcast – Where is it?
Our new podcast is available on all of the major podcasting platforms, including Spotify and Apple Podcasts. All you will need to do to find it is go to the podcast platform of your choice and search for Patterns of Evidence. If the platform you use also includes other forms of audio such as music, please be sure you’ve selected the podcast option at the top before searching. You will know that you have found us when you see the logo below with Tim on it.
Once you find the podcast, depending on the platform you’re using, be sure to follow us or add us to your podcast library so you will receive notifications about new episodes. The podcast is completely FREE of charge and will be updated on a weekly basis (every Wednesday) with biblical topics. These topics will include exciting archaeological news/interviews, special updates about our Patterns of Evidence films/projects, and audio from bonus content interviews we’ve done with scholars that give deeper insights on biblical evidence/history.
The podcasting platforms we are on will also allow you to download specific episodes and share them with others by copying the podcast link or posting to social media. We will be posting podcast episodes and highlights on our Patterns of Evidence social media as well – so be sure to follow us on your favorite social media platform(s) if you are not already.
All of this will allow you and others to listen to and enjoy Bible-affirming content on the go, which is one of the reasons why audio podcasts are such a popular form of media. You do not have to allot time to actually sit down and watch something, rather you can listen in the car, while engaged in different tasks around the house, while out on a walk, or in various other situations. This is also why we feel it’s so important to break out into the podcasting world! It will give all of us the ability to share this impactful information on a platform that many, especially the youth, believe to be greatly convenient.

Current Episodes and What’s Next
Those of you who look into our podcast will find a pleasant surprise. We already have an entire series uploaded and available for you to listen to! In November of 2022, Tim conducted a special interview with Dr. Scott Stripling and Dr. Peter van der Veen on the Mount Ebal curse tablet and its proto-alphabetic inscription. This amazing inscription uses two of the Divine names of God, El and Yahu (Yahweh).

This 6-part interview was originally uploaded as a video series to our Patterns of Evidence Foundation / Historical Faith Society platform. However, with the launch of our podcast, Tim decided we would make the audio of this series available due to its immense significance to the historicity of Joshua’s Conquest, as well as Moses’ ability to write the Torah as investigated in our film, Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy. The video version of this series is also being made available on our YouTube Channel.
This series gives some thrilling insights on the discovery of the curse tablet, the work that went into deciphering the text, and the profound implications it has for the reliability and date of both the Exodus and Conquest. Could this discovery be a death blow to the Documentary Hypothesis as we learn more about the text on both the inside and outside of the tablet?
In addition to the episodes on the curse tablet, we have already started a second series, taking selected audio from special bonus content found in the Collector’s Editions of Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle (Parts I and II). Drawing from interviews not included in those films, this series will take a deeper look at crucial aspects of the parting of the Red Sea, the location of this event, and different theories behind how the miracle took place. Was the parting of the sea caused by natural means and a miracle of timing – or – was it a grand, supernatural miracle that can only be explained by the power and direct action of God?
As the podcast progresses we will have more and more of this type of content, new interviews between Tim and scholars, and, as stated earlier, important updates about Patterns of Evidence films and projects, such as Journey to Mount Sinai Part II, which we are working hard to complete.
Help us to make a major impact on the podcasting world as we launch this new initiative! The more people who listen to, follow, and share the podcast, the more it will be recognized by the platforms it’s on, and gain exposure. The exposure of this information has the power to make a tremendous difference in people’s lives. It can strengthen the faith of believers, pull people about to walk away from faith back from the ledge, and give agnostics and atheists something to ponder deeply, possibly removing obstacles that have prevented them from considering the validity of the Bible and its message.
Again, help us be a voice crying in the wilderness of the culture. Join us on your favorite podcasting platform and Keep Thinking!