SUMMARY: The first audience reactions for Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai are in. See what people are saying about this eye-opening film in theaters two nights only, October 17-18. Get your tickets today!
Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Midian, and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. – Exodus 3:1 (ESV)
What People Are Saying About Journey to Mount Sinai
We are just days away from the 2-night Fathom Event showing of Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai in over 800 theaters in the USA on October 17-18. This is the first film in a 2-part series searching for one of the great Bible mysteries – the true location of Mount Sinai. Sinai is where Moses met God at a burning bush and returned with the people of Israel after they were freed from Egypt to worship God and enter into a covenant with him.
At two recent pre-release showings of the film, audience members were able to give their reactions to the film. Watch and read what people are saying.
“This documentary was fascinating. The investigative filmmaker Timothy Mahoney did a great job in the presentation and commentary.”
“I’m so interested and intrigued by this movie. I love the theories being presented and would watch again!”
“I loved all the information, and the sequence of the research. I loved that it was kind of interactive, with the questions on the review parts.”
“The investigative nature of the film kept me entranced as I wanted to know/learn more.”
“Brilliant, so interesting. God is so amazing.”
“The films surprise us with moments that take our breath away. Watching the Bible come to life reaffirms our faith in the God who provides, heals and protects. This is another great project by Tim Mahoney.”
“It gave me the desire to study more about the Bible.”
“Can’t wait to see the second part.”
“Fantastic movie!”
“Part I of JOURNEY TO MT. SINAI is an informative, faith-filled movie detailing the major issues involved in deciding which of six mountains best fits the biblical narrative of the last four books of Moses. As such, the movie gives viewers a closer look at the Exodus story.”
Jason DeRouchie Comments on the Mount Sinai Scorecard
As the film looks at six different Mount Sinai candidates (three in Part 1) there’s a lot of information that ends up being presented. This is a positive in that it does not just quickly skate over some important details, but it is also a challenge to organize and bring clarity to the data. To address this reality, we have developed the Mount Sinai Scorecard that you can download free at our website. With the scorecard you can track how well the evidence and arguments for each mountain candidate match the Bible’s descriptions.
Professor Jason DeRouchie of Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary has been included in Patterns of Evidence films including Journey to Mount Sinai. Recently he commented on the Mount Sinai Scorecard element after viewing an early version of the film.
I delighted in the film. And I delighted in the clarity that that scorecard brought to the discussion. It allows the viewer to watch the movie not simply in a way that you are receiving but you’re actually engaging. You’re the one as the viewer who is tracking the data in order to assess – ‘Does this particular site align with the biblical testimony?’ And if it does not, we know it cannot be the true Mount Sinai.
And so the scorecard was just brilliant in my mind to lay out the six potential sites, in this movie three of them, and to then line up the facts of Scripture that we know about in relation to Mount Sinai. So, for you to lay out facts like journey details, the need to be near Midian, and “Is this a spot that could be called the backside of the wilderness?”
And then to assess various attributes that we know are associated with the mountain. If we know how big, generally, the population of Israel was, then we need to find a mountain that actually has a plain that’s large enough for this many people to live out for a year. There needs to be a water source that can provide substantive water, indeed there needs to be a stream. There needs to be a cave, because we know that Elijah found refuge there, indeed he lodged there during his time at Mount Sinai.
This approach I think is so brilliant and I believe it’s a key factor that for so many skeptics has led them to deny the historicity of the biblical account. Because, certain sites have been elevated to say, ‘This is Mount Sinai,’ and even the skeptic can look at the biblical data and say, ‘This is not the site, this isn’t a real event’ is what they would conclude.
I think one of the brilliant features of the movie is that you were assessing the major sites that have been proposed in the last century and considering the details of every one of those sites, actually going to these sites, taking video footage, looking at pictures, evaluating the data, and all the while the Bible is the authoritative guide.
So, the structure of the movie itself is extremely clear even though you’re providing six different options. The way that you’ve laid out the film allows for even the youngest to track and engage using their own scorecard and evaluating in extremely clear terms, ‘this is’ or ‘is not’ the site. Because some of the sites include some of the necessary evidence and yet not all of it. Or ‘potentially’ – ‘maybe’ this could fit. And to be able to evaluate a scorecard by filling in your square ‘all the way,’ or ‘part way,’ or ‘not at all’ – I thought it was brilliant.
Download your free scorecard now, to familiarize yourself with the biblical search criteria before the event and be prepared to grade the mountain candidates during the film.

Vote for the Bible and Don’t Get Locked Out
On October 17 & 18, you have the opportunity to support the Patterns of Evidence and their production of Bible-affirming films. In many ways, attending Journey to Mount Sinai at a theater near you is like voting for the credibility of the Bible. So, get the attention of the film industry and show them that it is worth seriously considering the historical accounts in the Bible by inviting family and friends to watch this faith-encouraging film.
Join filmmaker Timothy Mahoney as he presents the findings of his 20-year investigation and grapples with information from the biblical account to test the most popular sites proposed for the real location of Mount Sinai. Biblical recreations and epic on-location cinematography help drive the exploration. Could some have become skeptical of this account because they have been looking for evidence at the wrong location?
Some screens will sell out. So, to avoid getting locked out, get your tickets, view the trailer, and download the scorecard to this much anticipated FATHOM EVENT today by going online.
You have two nights to choose from – October 17 & 18, 2022. There will be a 20-minute pre-show, with the main event starting at 7 pm sharp local time. An enlightening bonus panel discussion will follow the film. Whichever day you choose, this will be an evening that helps us all to Keep Thinking!
TOP PHOTO: A viewer gives their feedback after watching a pre-release special showing of Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mount Sinai. (© 2022 Patterns of Evidence, LLC.)