Summary: A new Patterns of Evidence film is coming out on September 2, The Journey Home. Tim shares how the Lord led his life on a journey to make the Patterns of Evidence films. Learn how you can join the journey to educate others about the historical credibility of the Bible.
“Since my youth, O God, you have taught me, and to this day, I declare your marvelous deeds.” – Psalms 71:17 (NIV)
I like to look at past family photos because they bring back memories. Some of these memories are happy and get better with time, and some are not so happy. This is what you will learn more about in our upcoming film, The Journey Home. It is a story of forgiveness and redemption.

Early decisions can set the course of your Life!
Our life is shaped by the decisions we make when we are young, for good or bad. Every summer, I made a good decision to attend Lake Geneva Bible Camp. It costs about $18 per person to participate for the whole week. It was one of my happy places, and I would eventually become a camp counselor and athletic director.
During those summers, I made many great friends and had a lot of fun at the lake and on the sports fields. But, I distinctly remember the evening chapel services because my heart was ready for God, and I had a hunger for learning more about him in the Bible. I guess that was why they called it Bible camp.
What was interesting about Bible camp was that they had a prayer room where people could go after the chapel service to pray. Not everyone went to pray, but I did as well as my two cousins, Randy and Matt McPherson. We always roomed together at camp; the prayer room was a time to seal the message in our hearts.
Have you ever made a promise to God?
I think the business conducted on my knees with the Lord would eventually lead me on this journey to search for biblical patterns of evidence. Have you ever made a promise to God? I did back then at the Bible camp, and it was to go wherever God wanted me to go and to do whatever he wanted me to do.

It has taken years for that promise to unfold, but now I can see that I have gone to places and done things I would never have pursued in my own strength and understanding.
Recently, I felt we needed to tell the backstory of how Patterns of Evidence came into being. I wanted you to hear the inspirational testimonies from the other team members, including my wife Jill, of how God was working while we were going places and doing things we had never done before, like making these films.

The Journey Home is the first of three new films we are releasing in the following months. The other two are Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mt Sinai October 17-18 and Patterns of Evidence: Journey to Mt Sinai 2 in 2023, which are releasing as Fathom Events in theaters nationwide.
For some of you who will watch The Journey Home, I hope you will see there is a calling through the Patterns of Evidence films to Preserve, Educate and Share the Historical Credibility of the Bible with the Next Generation. I have never done this work alone in the past, and I don’t see any way we can do this work alone in the future. We need your help!
Do you want to Join the Journey?
There is an exciting account concerning Mt Sinai and the prophet Elijah. He was discouraged because Jezebel, the wife of the King of Israel, was killing all of God’s prophets and was threatening to kill Elijah. So he fled to Mt Sinai and hid in a cave. Then God revealed himself to Elijah.
The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the
Lord is about to pass by.” Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind, there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.
When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.
Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”
He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too.
1 Kings 19:11-14
The Lord said to Elijah,
Yet, I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” 1 Kings 19:18
Sometimes, I feel a little like Elijah. I have been zealous for the Lord searching for Patterns of Evidence that testify to God acting in history. But am I alone? No, the Lord has provided many times. And many people have come forward to help us in this mission. But the need is great, and the task is large.
MISSION: Preserve, Educate and Share the Historical Credibility of the Bible with the Next Generation
Now I feel that it is time for me to ask because the mission is SO large, would you consider joining the journey to Preserve, Educate and Share the Historical Credibility of the Bible with the Next Generation?
God told Elijah that there were 7000 who had not bowed down to Baal (false god).
In this time, when Good is Evil, Evil is Good. We are looking for 7,000 people who will commit to supporting the historical credibility of the Bible through the work of Patterns of Evidence films (adding to the 1,600 today). Beyond the films, every month, we also provide Thinker Updates about biblical archaeology to hundreds of thousands of people for free. Are you one of those who will join me on this journey?
Now is the time to act. Millions of young people are turning away from the Bible and its teachings because they don’t think it has anything to do with their lives or has any real historical truth. But that’s not true. We are responsible for teaching them what God has done in the past and what he will do in the future. Patterns of Evidence films will help this generation.
“What we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from their children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done.” – Psalms 71:17 (NIV)
Since you can’t all go on the film trips with me to the Middle East, here are two ways you can still Join the Journey. The first is by donating to the Patterns of Evidence Foundation (any amount), and the second is by becoming a monthly subscriber to the Historical Faith Society ($16/month). When you join the society you will receive weekly videos about the historical credibility of the Bible and learn how to pass our Legacy of Faith on to the next generation.
Here is a video that explains the mission as Tim Mahoney shares with the Director of The Journey Home, Rick Altizer, how people can join the journey to Preserve, Educate and Share the historical credibility of the Bible with the next generation.
Thank you for supporting us in this mission. We hope you enjoy the film about my life The Journey Home. To get a digital ticket click here.
Keep Thinking!
Timothy Mahoney
President of the Patterns of Evidence Foundation / Historical Faith Society
TOP PHOTO: Tim Mahoney (10 years old) with his younger brother and sisters, whom he watched over and protected. (© Thinking Man Films LLC 2022)