Summary: See the new look of the Historical Faith Society and learn how you can join us in sharing biblical truth with the next generation.
“When the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?” Pslams 11:3
I think most of us would agree that now more than ever before we are seeing the biblical foundations of our culture eroding rapidly. Many people don’t know what to do. What if I told you that you now can become a part of a society that is creating powerful Bible affirming films that are changing lives around the world.
The Historical Faith Society is the community within the Patterns of Evidence Foundation. Its mission is to preserve, educate and share the historical truth of the Bible with the next generation. The primary way we are doing this is through the creation of Patterns of Evidence films. Each of these films uncovers evidence that matches the history of the Bible with the powerful effect of changing lives and strengthening people’s faith.
I really appreciate the way you are including the contrary views in the videos. It makes them much more credible, especially as the outcomes we all “want” are not so facile to achieve. … A lot of integrity involved, all round . . .
J Stacey
I, like Tim Mahoney, was brought up being told that the biblical accounts of history were true. However, just this year I have started University, and have been overwhelmed by the people and evidence that seemed to contradict that. I found the documentary (Patterns of Evidence: The Exodus) clear and straightforward, and it has encouraged me that things can be true, even if they are against popular belief.
M Glazebrook
Thank you so much. Don’t ever doubt that the time, money and effort you put into these films over the last twenty years wasn’t worth it. We learned so much. More people should see these films.
S Celento
Please watch the video below to hear Tim Mahoney’s invitation for you to join the journey with us to uncover Biblical evidence.
When you join the Historical Faith Society you are financially supporting the making of Bible-affirming films in the Patterns of Evidence investigative series that can potentially be seen by millions. You will also receive monthly videos that dive deeper into the world of biblical archaeology, the history of our faith, and provide resources to help pass that faith on to the next generation.
You will go to places like the Dead Sea Scroll caves where the earliest copies of the Bible were discovered. You will hear from some of the top scholars in their fields. You will learn about new research in apologetics. You’ll go to museums in Israel, Europe and around the world where we will examine ancient texts and artifacts. We will take you along a journey that will inspire you, and give you ways to share the historical credibility of the Bible with your friends and family – to help all of us to grow in our faith and our understanding of the Bible. To watch a sample of a past Historical Faith Society monthly focus video you can click the video below or go to our Youtube channel for a variety of samples.
Each month you will receive a series of videos around specialized subjects that include archaeology, history and you’ll hear from experts who have biblical and practical resources that you can share with your children and grandchildren. You will also be able to participate in LIVE Events with scholars where you can ask the scholar questions. This membership subscription is $16 a month.

There comes a time when we all have to make a decision: Are we going to participate in communicating the historical truth of the Bible? The culture and the media are portraying philosophies that are eroding the foundations of this truth. But now you can make a difference – Please join us on this great journey, and become a subscribing member of the Historical Faith Society.
Join with a Subscription by clicking here now
A HFS subscription will keep you thinking!
Top Photo: Historical Faith Society logo