Summary: Two new opportunities are being offered to learn more about the Bible with Dr. R. Brian Rickett. Take an online course from the scholar seen in the The Moses Controversy.
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. – Genesis 1:1-2 (ESV)
Learn Online with Brian Rickett
Dear Thinkers, I’m writing to let you know of two new ZOOM-style course offerings that are coming up in the New Year! These courses will be co-sponsored by the Historical Faith Society, The MIKRA Research Laboratory, and The Brookes Bible College of St. Louis, which will also be hosting the courses. These will be taught by Dr. R. Brian Rickett, Scholar in Residence at the Historical Faith Society, Principal Researcher at MIKRA, and Dean of Distance Learning at Brookes. Below are the details.
Online Class 1 – Creation and Covenant
The first of the courses is entitled, Creation and Covenant: a biblical-theological study of the Torah/Pentateuch. This course is ideal for those interested in the many important issues related to these exceptionally crucial books. The course will study the foundational people, places, events and themes of creation and covenant as essential to biblical theology, as well as explore critical issues of authorship and composition, and critical interpretive challenges. Because this course is offered in partnership between the Brookes Bible College, the MIKRA Research Laboratory, and the Historical Faith Society, participants will have exclusive access to many of the manuscript/scroll forms of the Torah held, analyzed, and exhibited by the MIKRA Lab in its various exhibits.
Each week, new manuscripts will be presented in class, many of which have never yet been fully analyzed but are currently in process. Attendees can expect dynamic and interactive instruction that includes unique discussion of the process of textual transmission throughout the ages, as well as important theological and worldview contributions made by these formative books. This is a course that you will not want to miss.

Details: The course is 15 weeks from Jan 13th – April 28th, 2022. Though offered for all, it is available for credit for Brookes college students as well as high school students signed up in the Brookes dual enrollment program. To register, or to get help with questions, contact the Brookes Admissions Office.
- Start Date: Jan. 13, 2022
- Class Times: Thursdays, 7:00-9:00 PM Central Time; classroom portal access and instructions will be provided along with course syllabus upon enrollment
- Cost: A small course auditor fee will be required for non-resident distance learners; scholarships are available for international Historical Faith Society members and others upon request.
Online Class 2 – Ecclesiastes: A Biblical Consideration of Life under the Sun
We live in an unstable environment: virtually everything that we experience, including life itself, is transitory, or “vain,” to use the expression employed in Ecclesiastes. God is a beautiful exception to this rule. Even more, His sovereign prerogative governs both that which is immutable as well as that which is transitory.
From this perspective, Ecclesiastes addresses the biggest philosophical questions that man faces – subject matter inherently heavy and complex. At the same time, the biblical record identifies its traditional author, King Solomon, as the wisest man who ever lived second only to Christ. These factors contribute to the profundity of Ecclesiastes in depth and breadth but have also made the book one of the most debated books in the biblical canon.
The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem. – Ecclesiastes 1:1 (ESV)
Imagine if one of the most brilliant minds ever to have lived used the full repertoire of his literary, poetic, and philosophical capacity to present lessons learned via a lifelong, and at times misdirected, philosophical odyssey. What would that presentation be like? No doubt it would be controversial and misinterpreted by many. This is the case with Ecclesiastes.

The course, Ecclesiastes: A Biblical Consideration of Life under the Sun, will be a multi-faceted study reflecting the unusual characteristics of the Book of Ecclesiastes. Special attention will be given to: 1.) the historical, political, social, and religious background of the book and authorship issues; 2.) exposition of the content of the book; 3.) the unique contribution Ecclesiastes makes to worldview studies; and 4.) the implications that Ecclesiastes has for living and even counseling. Classroom study and discussion will provide an opportunity to look at the full historical, social, and linguistic contexts of the book, as well as its philosophical outlook, and its relevance to the lives of New Testament believers.

Details: The course is 12 weeks from Feb. 08, 2022 – April 26th and available for credit for college students, or for high school students signed up in the Brookes dual enrollment program. To register, or to get help with questions, contact the Brookes Admissions Office.
- Start Date: Feb. 08, 2022
- Class Times: Tuesdays, 7:00-9:00 PM Central Time; classroom portal access and instructions will be provided along with course syllabus upon enrollment
- Cost: A small course auditor fee will be required for non-resident distance learners; scholarships are available for international Historical Faith Society members and others upon request.
These courses have been in high demand and much anticipated. Read what others have said about our previous ZOOM courses:
“I would like to thank you, HFS and Brookes once again for giving me the opportunity to participate in the course. One silver lining from the Covid pandemic is the increased use of online formats for teaching. I’m an accidental beneficiary of this new arrangement, and am simply thankful that I could participate from the other side of the world. I love the course! I also enjoy your … various historical artifacts which offers a perspective unlike what I could get through reading a book or even watching a pre-recorded video…. I truly find your teaching to be – what’s the word – delightful.” – Eu-Gene, Macau (Near China)
“I strongly recommend this course…. Although we already have access to unlimited sources of information on the internet and connection through social media, ‘taking a course’ at a trustworthy Bible college is different from podcasts and Facebook groups. You will connect personally with other participants, as well as the professor …which will empower and encourage you serving in the era of disruptions.” – Keisuke M., Tokyo
“I cannot begin to sufficiently thank you and Brookes Bible College for the wonderful opportunity that you provided to us in offering the Christian Worldview course! It was so very interesting and faith-building, as are the many other materials that Tim Mahoney has made available through his films and the Historical Faith Society. The archeological evidence and the logical evidence are very helpful in solidifying the biblical narrative and demonstrating that a biblically based, Christian Worldview is more than an emotional response or inherited faith from family but rather the only view that makes sense.” – Bill F.
“In Brazil training in the original languages is not readily available, and we are so thankful that this class was offered in an online format that allowed us to participate! Hebrew is definitely a challenge to learn, and I am really thankful for Dr. Rickett’s teaching because I could tell that I was actually learning and understanding. I also really enjoyed the special speakers in the “extra” class time who shared about their work in preparing copies of ancient manuscripts. It was something I never would have had contact with otherwise, and it was amazing to see. All in all, the ZOOM Hebrew class was a highlight of our 2020…” – Lucas and Elisabeth S., Maceió, Brazil
“Gaining an understanding of and internalizing the propositions of a Christian worldview has had an amazing impact on my faith! The course will give the student a profound reverence for God, the supremacy of His Word, and also arm them with invaluable tools to begin interacting with other world-views/philosophies, sharing the uniqueness of Scriptures and the God whose Spirit inspired them. I would HIGHLY recommend this course and feel the information is something all believers need to have knowledge of. The textual artifacts Dr. Rickett shares in class, whether Torah scrolls, manuscript facsimiles, or illuminated manuscripts are also a blessing and privilege to get to see!” – Logan K.
“I want to thank you …. This course was so valuable and inspiring…. I am so pleased to meet you and the rest of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We are not alone, we are working together for God’s glory in different parts of the world.” – Maritere V., Mexico City
To sign-up or enroll, contact:
Obadiah McAdoo | Admissions Representative
Phone: 314.773.0083
And as always, keep on thinking!
TOP PHOTO: Brian Rickett being interviewed for Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy. (© 2017, Patterns of Evidence)
NOTE: Not every view expressed by scholars contributing Thinker articles necessarily reflects the views of Patterns of Evidence. We include perspectives from various sides of debates on biblical matters so that readers can become familiar with the different arguments involved. – Keep Thinking!