Summary: French Investigative filmmaker Christophe Hanauer shares in a special video presentation how he became involved in making The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire. This film uses the same investigative approach as Patterns of Evidence films. Christophe goes to Turkey and Greece following the same path that the letters made to the 7 Churches of Revelation.
He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. The one who conquers will not be hurt by the second death.’ – Revelation 2:11 (ESV)
The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire
As the producer and writer of the Patterns of Evidence series I have been asked to be the worldwide English spokesperson for the new feature documentary, The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire, which is being released as a Fathom Event in select Theaters nationwide on Oct 11 and 12.
As you know we are living in unprecedented times and many are wondering, “Are we approaching the last days and the return of Christ written in the book of Revelation?”
To investigate these questions The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire goes back to the very locations where the seven Churches received the letters from Christ.

Excerpt from the film:
On a small Greek island in the Aegean Sea, in the first century, an event marked the history of Christianity. The apostle John was sent into exile on the island of Patmos, several decades after the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostle had an experience that would change him forever. Deep in a cave, he received a vision of Christ who revealed himself and gave John a message, to transcribe in the famous Book of Revelation! The visions and prophecies contained in this book reveal an all-out spiritual war that unleashes the forces of evil against believers in the end times. The text begins with a series of letters to seven churches in the first century Asia Minor. What was the significance of these messages? And were they ready to hear them?

For the last 2 decades, I have been looking for evidence of the Exodus. And what I have found has been a tremendous pattern of evidence matching these biblical events. These films have been an encouragement to hundreds of thousands of people around the world. One of those people who contacted me was Christophe Hanauer, a Christian filmmaker from France. Because of seeing Patterns of Evidence he was inspired to do a new investigative film on the book of Revelation. When Christophe contacted me I was intrigued and surprised. I didn’t know that there were any filmmakers in France who would make films about the Bible. His production company is called Millenium Productions and is spelled with only one “n”, maybe it’s the French way.

When he asked me to help him get the word out about this important and timely film, I had to think and pray about it. I knew how much work it would be, and I already had so much work to do making my own ‘Patterns’ films. But after a while I knew that I must help.
I believe that this partnership with Christophe Hanauer and his production company Millenium Productions is the start of a new phase in our work with Thinking Man Films, Patterns of Evidence, and the Historical Faith Society. We are joining with other filmmakers who are bringing the events of the Bible to life and helping us understand how we should live in these times of uncertainty. Are we living our faith as the early churches lived their faith? Is our faith authentic to the words of the Scriptures? This is the journey we are going to be taking as we learn more about these 7 Churches of Revelation and the letters that Christ sent to them. Enjoy this introduction to filmmaker Christophe Hanauer in the video below.
In The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire, Christophe explores the archaeological remains of these cities where the 7 Churches were located. He interviews leading scholars on the Book of Revelation who help unfold the political and religious challenges the early churches were facing. I didn’t know many of the details about this time in history and what these early Christians were facing in living out their faith in Christ, which was counter to the culture they were living in. Doesn’t this sound very much like what we are facing today?

The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire is one of the most important films for the world today. Because it asks one of the most important questions of all. “Am I Ready?” For Christians, this means, “Are we ready to stand firm in your faith?” just like the early Christians that received these letters?
Just this week we have heard the terrible news from Afganistan and the fire of persecution and death that faces the Christians living there. For these Christians this is the time of tribulation. Please pray for this situation and I ask you to help spread the word about the coming nationwide theatrical release Fathom Event of The 7 Churches of Revelation: Times of Fire on October 11 and 12, 2021.
Here is the website to learn more.
Join me for this film showing, and immediately following the film I will host a Special Panel Discussion from the Museum of the Bible to discuss these letters given by Christ and what they mean for us today.
Keep Thinking!
TOP PHOTO: French Filmmaker Christophe Hanauer on location at the Greek Island of Patmos. (Credit: Millenium Productions)