SUMMARY: See the latest information and a SNEAK PEEK SCENE from the new film.
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night. – Exodus 13:21 (ESV)
The Red Sea Miracle II: Latest News on the Release
I hope and pray that you and your family are well. Many of you have been writing to us wondering when we will be releasing Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle II. So I would like to give you an update of where things stand at this point.
First let me tell you that when our state of Minnesota enforced the “stay at home order” we had to figure out how to move several of the editing systems and sound recording to our homes so that we would be able to finish the film. This took a little time to copy over 50,000 video clips from our library of footage as well as all of the music, animations and graphics files. But with today’s technology we were able to accomplish this while still maintaining a connection to our servers at the office.
In the first film The Red Sea Miracle, I had previously identified a sequence of Exodus events to look for which included six steps; a Departure Point, a Direction, a Desert, a Detour to a Dead end, a Deep Sea and a Destination which was Mt Sinai.

I also identified two different viewpoints. The Egyptian approach has the Exodus event happening on a smaller scale. They believe the journey to the sea was short, with the event of the Red Sea miracle happening close to Egypt at one of the lakes on the edge of the Nile delta. The second group which I called Hebrew approach sees the Exodus on a much larger scale. It believes the Israelites journeyed across the Sinai Peninsula to reach a sea crossing at the Gulf of Aqaba.

Two Views of the Miracles of the Exodus
Another important distinction between the two groups is how they view the miracles of Exodus. The Egyptian approach tends to believe that God limited himself to natural phenomena, such as normal wind parting a shallow body of water. In Contrast, the Hebrew approach favors the idea of spectacular miracles that could only be explained by the direct use of God’s mighty power in things such as the parting of very deep water.
In our upcoming film, Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle II, we will also be investigating this tension with another miracle recorded in the Exodus account – the pillar of cloud and fire that was leading Moses and the Israelites out of Egypt to the mountain of God. Various explanations have been proposed to explain this mysterious pillar.
Here is an example of this tension regarding the miracles of Exodus in a scene from The Red Sea Miracle II.
The Upcoming Film Release
We are very thankful for our past opportunities working with Fathom Events bringing over 200,000 people to the theaters in our previous showings, and we hope to continue this relationship with Fathom Events for future Patterns of Evidence films. But at this time with theaters closed, we have decided to have a LIVE International Online Release for The Red Sea Miracle II. The dates and details of this release will be announced in the upcoming month as we are still working out some of the technical aspects as well as putting finishing touches on the film.

We look forward to sharing all of our hard work with you soon. Until then – Keep Thinking!
TOP PHOTO: Scene from Patterns of Evidence: The Red Sea Miracle II – Moses and the Israelites entering the dry seabed as the pillar of fire protects them from Pharaoh’s army. (© 2020, Patterns of Evidence LLC.)