shall see the land that I swore to give to their fathers. And none of those who despised me shall see it.
– Numbers 14:23 (ESV)
The Patterns film crew is in Israel now! They are filming numerous biblical sites and also conducting various interviews and re-creations. The most recent visit was with Scott Stripling at Shiloh.
The crew was in the desert of Israel out of communication for several days – it was a very difficult time of traveling on washed out roads to a mountain some believe to be the real Mt Sinai – what is called Har Karkom. They camped and did interviews looking at the proposed evidence of the Israelites presence at the mountain. Another film location was Shechem where the Bible states that Joshua and the Israelites made a covenant with God.

During Tim’s travels they were able to have a rough cut showing of episode 1 of Patterns of Evidence: Moses in Austria at the Touchbearers Bible School and Retreat center- Schloss Klaus. There was a real warm acceptance from the Swiss, Germans and Austrians.
Below are pictures sent directly from location while at a variety of film sites.

Tim was able to meet with Dr. Pnina Shor – Curator and Head of Dead Sea Scrolls Project at the Israel Antiquities Research Laboratory. The picture below is of them looking at a portion of scripture from the book of Exodus talking about the Ten Commandments.

The film crew will finish off a multi country tour of important filming in Jordan this weekend. These are critical steps to gathering spectacular assets for the Patterns of Evidence series initiatives. We are glad you are part of the excitement and journey with us.
For I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.
– Luke 10:24 (ESV)
Top Image: Timothy Mahoney interviewing Archaeologist Scott Stripling (Copyright 2018, Patterns of Evidence)